Friday, September 18, 2009

Don't Settle For The Middle-Age Bulge

You just turned 48 years old and you start to notice the spare tire around your waist you picked up a couple of years ago now looks inflated. You tell yourself it's time to lose some weight so, the next morning you put on your jogging shoes and you go for a run.

You've been running everyday for 2 weeks now and your spare tire still looks the same and now your knees and lower back are starting to ache. You think "when I was younger all I had to do was to run a couple of miles to lose weight. I'm getting old and weight gain comes with the territory." So, you become discouraged, quite your running program and accept your life as an slightly over-weight middle-aged adult.

You don't have to live the rest of your life slightly over-weight and out-shape just because you are approaching your mid-life years. I'm over 50 and I feel as fit, and as strong as I did in my 20s. A proper exercise program and a balanced diet are the keys to a healthy and fit life at any age. I can help you shed those extra pounds, get in shape and feel better about yourself.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Your Health, Your Responsibility,

In all the health care reform debates has anyone heard anything about rewarding those of us who choose to do the things to stay health and fit. Most of the chronic diseases of today such as heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory diseases are the result of life choice. People who exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, and don't smoke enjoy greater health and cost our employers, insurer's, and our society a lot less in health care than those who do not.

I believe those of us who have healthy lifestyle habits should be rewarded rather than paying higher insurance cost to cover those who choose to have unhealthy lifestyle habits. Why should I have to pay extra for the health care cost of someone who chooses to be inactive, eat poorly and smoke. What ever happened to personal responsibility?