Friday, August 28, 2009

Personal Health Care Reform

I was at the beach last weekend and I was amazed at how over-weight and under-fit most of the people were. Reforming our nations health care system should begin with Personal Health Care Reform. The leading causes of death and disease in our country are those associated with lifestyle choice. Unhealthy choices such as smoking, poor eating habits, inactivity, and alcohol abuse cost us billions of dollars each year in health care costs. I think it's time for each of us to make our own Personal Health Care Reform legislation and improve our personal health and fitness level. Not only will we feel better, we will also save a lot of money in for everyone.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Life Happens Now

It's amazing how hearing the ocean waves crash on the shore clears your vision on life. I took a long walk on the beach yesterday and I was overcome with a sense of well being. I realized that I had at that moment everything I needed to be happy and healthy. I instantly knew that my life happens in "the now". The cares of yesterday are but a memory that cannot be changed and the thoughts of tomorrow cannot be lived yet. Life is to be enjoyed now.

This revelation made me realize how much I had to be thankful for today.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Belief, Imagination, and Determination Are The Keys To The Life Of Your Dreams

Belief, Imagination, and Determination are the keys to living the life of your dreams.

Belief in an all encompassing goodness.
Imaging what you want in life and knowing you are good enough to have it.
Determination to make your dreams a reality.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Exercise of The Week Video

I'm pleased to announce that each week I will be posting a video of one of my favorite exercises on my website. The exercise for this week is the Seated Low Row. This exercise helps you to build and shape your upper back. The back is the largest muscle group in the upper body and probably the most neglected. Strengthening your upper back causes you to have better posture and to look better in your clothes.

Visit my website at to view the proper technique for this exercise.